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Audio Books


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Amazon’s ACX allows you to audition and choose audiobook narrators, and to manage the production process. In exchange for investing a chunk of your time, ACX can save you a good bit of money over other end-to-end audiobook producers.

ACX lets you pay narrators a flat fee or a low fee plus a portion of your audiobook’s sales receipts. You can find narrators by voice, style, and accent. Most include audio clips, so you can get a sense of what they sound like.

If you create your audiobook with ACX, be sure to read the terms and conditions, which impose some rules about pricing, exclusivity and the number of months or years your audiobook must be available. Generally, ACX titles can only be distributed through Amazon and Audible.

Full Service Options

Lantern Audio

Though more expensive than ACX, Lantern Audio offers managed production and distribution services that relieve you of most of the administrative work required by ACX. They’re more expensive, but their narrators and production quality are top-notch, and they distribute to many platforms (including Overdrive and other library services which, surprisingly, genenerate decent revenue).


I’ll add more to this page as I can.

Last update: 2022-02-05